Keyword - Trust

Keyword History


4 publications with this keyword

A qualitative evaluation of coproduction of research: 'If you do it properly, you will get turbulence'.
Worsley, Joanne Deborah; McKeown, Mick; Wilson, Timothy; Corcoran, Rhiannon
Health Expect, Volume 25, Issue 5 (2022)
PMID: 33949751 DOI: 10.1111/hex.13261 
Citations: 18 (Scopus)
Tags: HACAL | Public Advisor
Use of the Hashtag #DataSavesLives on Twitter: Exploratory and Thematic Analysis.
Teodorowski, Piotr; Rodgers, Sarah E; Fleming, Kate; Frith, Lucy
J Med Internet Res, Volume 24, Issue 11 (2022)
PMID: 36378518 DOI: 10.2196/38232 
Citations: 3 (Scopus)
Tags: CHI
Perceived neighbourhood affluence, mental health and wellbeing influence judgements of threat and trust on our streets: An urban walking study.
Corcoran, Rhiannon; Mansfield, Rosie; de Bezenac, Christophe; Anderson, Ellen; Overbury, Katie; Marshall, Graham
PLoS One, Volume 13, Issue 8 (2018)
PMID: 30114264 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0202412 
Citations: 10 (Scopus)