Keyword - Social Welfare

Keyword History


4 publications with this keyword

Social prescribing practices and learning across the North West Coast region: essential elements and key challenges to implementing effective and sustainable social prescribing services.
Hassan, Shaima M; Ring, Adele; Goodall, Mark; Abba, Katharine; Gabbay, Mark; van Ginneken, Nadja
BMC Health Serv Res, Volume 23, Issue 1 (2023)
PMID: 37259121 DOI: 10.1186/s12913-023-09574-6 
Citations: 9 (Scopus)
Enabling middle-aged and older adults accessing community services to reduce social isolation: Community Connectors.
Giebel, Clarissa; Hassan, Shaima; Harvey, Gina; Devitt, Conal; Harper, Lesley; Simmill-Binning, Cheryl
Health Soc Care Community, Volume 30, Issue 2 (2022)
PMID: 33295046 DOI: 10.1111/hsc.13228 
Citations: 18 (Scopus)
A socially prescribed community service for people living with dementia and family carers and its long-term effects on well-being.
Giebel, Clarissa; Morley, Neil; Komuravelli, Aravind
Health Soc Care Community, Volume 29, Issue 6 (2021)
PMID: 33528081 DOI: 10.1111/hsc.13297 
Citations: 12 (Scopus)
Effects on mental health of a UK welfare reform, Universal Credit: a longitudinal controlled study.
Wickham, Sophie; Bentley, Lee; Rose, Tanith; Whitehead, Margaret; Taylor-Robinson, David; Barr, Ben
Lancet Public Health, Volume 5, Issue 3 (2020)
PMID: 32113519 DOI: 10.1016/S2468-2667(20)30026-8 
Citations: 97 (Scopus)
Tags: IPH