Keyword - Polypharmacy

Keyword History


4 publications with this keyword

Non-pharmacological interventions for managing pain in community-dwelling older adults.
Tripathi, Shiva; Venkata, Munukutla; Hill, James; Harrison, Joanna
Br J Community Nurs, Volume 27, Issue 1 (2022)
PMID: 34990270 DOI: 10.12968/bjcn.2022.27.1.28 
Citations: 3 (Scopus)
Socioeconomic and health factors related to polypharmacy and medication management: analysis of a Household Health Survey in North West Coast England.
Downing, Jennifer; Taylor, Rebecca; Mountain, Rachael; Barr, Ben; Daras, Konstantinos; Comerford, Terence; Marson, Anthony Guy; Pirmohamed, Munir; Dondelinger, Frank; Alfirevic, Ana
BMJ Open, Volume 12, Issue 5 (2022)
PMID: 35613765 DOI: 10.1136/bmjopen-2021-054584 
Citations: 1 (Scopus)
Tags: CHI | IPH | PCCC | Public Advisor
Barriers and facilitators to deprescribing in primary care: a systematic review.
Doherty, Alison Jayne; Boland, Paul; Reed, Janet; Clegg, Andrew J; Stephani, Anne-Marie; Williams, Nefyn Howard; Shaw, Beth; Hedgecoe, Lynn; Hill, Ruaraidh; Walker, Lauren
BJGP Open, Volume 4, Issue 3 (2020)
PMID: 32723784 DOI: 10.3399/bjgpopen20X101096 
Citations: 118 (Scopus)
Tags: MIDAS | Public Advisor