Keyword - Long-term care

Keyword History


3 publications with this keyword

Anticoagulation in older people with atrial fibrillation moving to care homes: a data linkage study.
Ritchie, Leona A; Harrison, Stephanie L; Penson, Peter E; Akbari, Ashley; Torabi, Fatemeh; Hollinghurst, Joe; Harris, Daniel; Oke, Oluwakayode B; Akpan, Asangaedem; Halcox, Julian P; Rodgers, Sarah E; Lip, Gregory Yh; Lane, Deirdre A
Br J Gen Pract, Volume 73, Issue 726 (2023)
PMID: 36543561 DOI: 10.3399/BJGP.2022.0156 
Citations: 5 (Scopus)
Tags: CHI
The impact of COVID-19 restrictions and care home strategies on residents with dementia as experienced by family carers in Italy.
Chirico, Ilaria; Pappadà, Alessandro; Giebel, Clarissa; Ottoboni, Giovanni; Valente, Marco; Gabbay, Mark; Chattat, Rabih
Aging Ment Health, Volume 27, Issue 3 (2023)
PMID: 35333142 DOI: 10.1080/13607863.2022.2056137 
Citations: 10 (Scopus)
Guilt, tears and burnout-Impact of UK care home restrictions on the mental well-being of staff, families and residents.
Giebel, Clarissa; Hanna, Kerry; Marlow, Paul; Cannon, Jacqueline; Tetlow, Hilary; Shenton, Justine; Faulkner, Thomas; Rajagopal, Manoj; Mason, Stephen; Gabbay, Mark
J Adv Nurs, Volume 78, Issue 7 (2022)
PMID: 35188292 DOI: 10.1111/jan.15181 
Citations: 26 (Scopus)
Tags: HACAL | Public Advisor