Keyword - Interpersonal Relations

Keyword History


2 publications with this keyword

Relational practice in health, education, criminal justice, and social care: a scoping review.
Lamph, Gary; Nowland, Rebecca; Boland, Paul; Pearson, Jayn; Connell, Catriona; Jones, Vanessa; Wildbore, Ellie; L Christian, Danielle; Harris, Catherine; Ramsden, Joanne; Gardner, Kathryn; Graham-Kevan, Nicola; McKeown, Mick
Syst Rev, Volume 12, Issue 1 (2023)
PMID: 37833785 DOI: 10.1186/s13643-023-02344-9 
Citations: 6 (Scopus)
Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Psychosocial Risk Factors for Stroke.
Lightbody, C Elizabeth; Clegg, Andrew; Patel, Kulsum; Lucas, Julie Cook; Storey, Hannah; Hackett, Maree L; Watkins, Dame Caroline L
Semin Neurol, Volume 37, Issue 3 (2017)
PMID: 28759911 DOI: 10.1055/s-0037-1603758 
Citations: 21 (Scopus)