Keyword - Child health
Keyword History
2 publications with this keyword
Impact of cuts to local government spending on Sure Start children's centres on childhood obesity in England: a longitudinal ecological study.
Mason, Kate E; Alexiou, Alexandros; Bennett, Davara Lee; Summerbell, Carolyn; Barr, Ben; Taylor-Robinson, David
J Epidemiol Community Health, Volume 75, Issue 9 (2021)
PMID: 34376587 DOI: 10.1136/jech-2020-216064
Citations: 17 (Scopus)
Tags: IPH
Mason, Kate E; Alexiou, Alexandros; Bennett, Davara Lee; Summerbell, Carolyn; Barr, Ben; Taylor-Robinson, David
J Epidemiol Community Health, Volume 75, Issue 9 (2021)
PMID: 34376587 DOI: 10.1136/jech-2020-216064
Citations: 17 (Scopus)
Tags: IPH
GP perceptions of community-based children's mental health services in Pennine Lancashire: a qualitative study.
Lambert, Alice Kate; Doherty, Alison Jayne; Wilson, Neil; Chauhan, Umesh; Mahadevan, Dushyanthan
BJGP Open, Volume 4, Issue 4 (2020)
PMID: 32873538 DOI: 10.3399/bjgpopen20X101075
Citations: 5 (Scopus)
Lambert, Alice Kate; Doherty, Alison Jayne; Wilson, Neil; Chauhan, Umesh; Mahadevan, Dushyanthan
BJGP Open, Volume 4, Issue 4 (2020)
PMID: 32873538 DOI: 10.3399/bjgpopen20X101075
Citations: 5 (Scopus)